Disclaimer Policy
IQElectro LLC Disclaimer Policy
At IQElectro LLC (referred to as “IQElectro”), we prioritize transparency and honesty in our business practices. Therefore, we maintain a clear disclaimer policy to ensure that our customers are fully informed about our products and services.
Authorized Distribution and Affiliation: IQElectro is NOT an authorized distributor or in any way affiliated with Rockwell Automation, Siemens or any other manufacturers.
Product Authorization: IQElectro is NOT an authorized dealer of the products available on our platform.
Product Condition: Products sold by IQElectro may be an older version, have different date codes, or have a different design than those offered by authorized dealers.
Warranty and support. Because IQElectro is not an authorized dealer, the original manufacturer's warranty and support does NOT apply to products purchased from us.
Equipment Offering: IQElectro specializes in selling SURPLUS equipment ONLY. We DO NOT offer SOFTWARE or FIRMWARE licenses.
Software and firmware licensing. Some hardware products may contain software and firmware that may require a license from the manufacturer for legal operation. IQElectro does not provide software or firmware licenses and makes no representations regarding the availability or legality of such licenses.
Installing software and firmware. IQElectro does not facilitate the purchase or installation of software or firmware on behalf of customers. It is the customer's responsibility to comply with the terms of any End User License Agreement or similar document associated with the receipt or installation of software or firmware.
Agreement with the client. By doing business with IQElectro and purchasing our products, customers acknowledge and agree that IQElectro does not provide any software, firmware, operating system or right of use licenses. Customers understand that the licensing, maintenance, and updates of applicable software (firmware) are governed by the applicable manufacturer's License Agreement or equivalent.
This disclaimer policy is intended to provide transparency, protect the interests of clients and ensure compliance with relevant legal obligations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our disclaimer policy, please contact us for further clarification.
Contact information:
If you have any questions, please contact us using the following contact information:
Email: support@iqelectro.com
Technical support phone number: 828-222-3490
Technical Support Service Hours Mon./Sat.: 7:00AM - 8:00PM